Well, everyone has gone to camp/seminars. so I must keep you know who up to date in reading/posting!!LOL
While at Pam's Monday, we found out that we were having a granddaughter in June...me being the old "midwife attendee/observer knew for about three months......the signs were there!!"
Monday we had a great time with Pam.....seh got a pedicure and we talked, laughed, and caught up. We also cried, rejoiced, shared old memories (surprising how close our paths were even years ago and we never met!!), and prayer requests!! Shane is a cutie, and such a gentleman opening the door, and declaring, "Welcome"!!
I did take her soup, and since she lived, I must share the recipe!!
Yesterday we were at the college and enjoyed the fellowship of old friends we are only able to see there (one was our S.S. teacher from 17 years ago!!)....we found out an evangelist , Mike Greene, passed away with cancer over the weekend!
Today, I shared lunch with a friend while our kids were in class.. it was fun to catch up with her.
Afterwards, we went to the healthfood store...and then to Target....the girls had gift cards. I ended up getting a couple of sheets off a clearance rack that rang up as $0.00, and when the cashier got a manager, he gave them to me for $3.50 each---we are talking king sized, Egyptian cotton...falt sheets...(this is all I can use on my bed and it is difficult to find them individually!!)---I am blessed!!!
I am working more int he office as there have been changes to permitting, soo....actually as I woas looking up forms, I was able to talk to one frined and tell her how she needs to come to church that she is changing and slipping down that spiral!! Another one came by theis afternoon and we talked a little ---I triend to help her get a grip on the reality of their income and to move forward with a plan!! (Ladies, I cooked dinner and ironed clothes and readied for church while talking to her, so....) She is reading "The Power of a Praying Wife"....I still need to locate my copy! I gave her this one and she shares how this is changing her life!
WE had a missionary tonite and one comment he made that stuck with me is:
In Kenya, Christianity is a mile wide and an inch deep.....no depth to the purpose of the heart and life .....
I wonder if that is how God sees me---no depth to my walk or a shallow one that needs more digging.....HMMMMM....
I was also impressed at the number of BAPTIST peoples that are in the churches there (I think 12) and their joy and their similarities to our "church" dress and music...WE ARE TALKING A THIRD WORLD COUNTRY HERE!! And that ALL the churches are pastored by nationals---WOW that is Discipleship and Bible training at work!
NOW, I am trying to enable comments from Pam......