Moments In Time

Thursday, January 22, 2009

We arrived home last evening.

It was a busy and hard week in some ways. Some of you know what it is like to become the parent of a parent.

Someone has to do the hard things; expect those tasks difficult. But, you have to maintain a sense of humor and sanity in every day life!

When your child disobeys you, they get corrected. Most do not refuse that which you know is necessary for their health. Parents do --and you must be the one to say, "No, you will do this!".
Often, they are upset with you.

Sometimes you have to leave them in a rush and proper goodbyes do not happen. You must rest in the fact that you are doing what is right at the time and move on from there.

Bust most of all in all situations, you must trust God. Do not be confused, AND PRAY AND PRAY AND PRAY above all. Often you are exhausted or too busy from the dawning of the sun to get your devotions done, but you MUST PRAY , and be faithful!!

Thanks for those prayers you all sent up on our behalf -we felt them and appreciated them!!

God is good!


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