Thanks to your prayers, I am much better today. I had to run errands (pay bills and return a couple of things to Kohl's). I was able to go to my son's yesterday and spend the afternoon with
the family. We shared lots of fun, fellowship, laughs and love. They decorated their tree, and put lights on the house. Makes me want my tree up, but not til the weekend (plus get all the stuff out of the attic to decorate with)!
I know you all may have cute kids,and grandkids, but my granddaughter is adorable. She talks VERY WELL (too good for her own good and understands!!) When I sat beside her at dinner (Chinese takeout), she took her chopsticks (she calls them pork chops) and pointed at the green peas out of her fried rice and told me (pointing at the peas)--"Grandma, these are absolutely disgusting!! I said " Those are green peas, not disgusting!!" She leaned closer and pointed (like I was not hearing her, and said "These are disgusting!!" Her mom said "Remember, the doctor said to eat food that are all the color of the rainbow--to which she retorted "Mom, green is NOT in the rainbow"!! (We almost died because we were stifling all the laughs!!
I must give thanks - our relationship has improved sooo greatly the past couple of years and I know that God alone accomplished this!
Oh yes, one more praise -My son is coming home for Christmas!! The 16th through the 28th!
We are excited!! Can't wait!
Keep my unspoken request at heart --God is working!
Keep bloggin--I love hearing from you.
the family. We shared lots of fun, fellowship, laughs and love. They decorated their tree, and put lights on the house. Makes me want my tree up, but not til the weekend (plus get all the stuff out of the attic to decorate with)!
I know you all may have cute kids,and grandkids, but my granddaughter is adorable. She talks VERY WELL (too good for her own good and understands!!) When I sat beside her at dinner (Chinese takeout), she took her chopsticks (she calls them pork chops) and pointed at the green peas out of her fried rice and told me (pointing at the peas)--"Grandma, these are absolutely disgusting!! I said " Those are green peas, not disgusting!!" She leaned closer and pointed (like I was not hearing her, and said "These are disgusting!!" Her mom said "Remember, the doctor said to eat food that are all the color of the rainbow--to which she retorted "Mom, green is NOT in the rainbow"!! (We almost died because we were stifling all the laughs!!
I must give thanks - our relationship has improved sooo greatly the past couple of years and I know that God alone accomplished this!
Oh yes, one more praise -My son is coming home for Christmas!! The 16th through the 28th!
We are excited!! Can't wait!
Keep my unspoken request at heart --God is working!
Keep bloggin--I love hearing from you.
Your grandaughter would have felt right at home at my Thanksgiving Dinner! No greens!! I am going to go post her picture on my sight so all can see. So glad you are feeling better! Hopefully I will see you Wed. night.
Anonymous, at 11:00 PM
AHA!! Now I know who that cute little girl on Pam's blog is!!! She's not good at keeping secrets!! And she's is NOT in the rainbow. So smart!!
Anonymous, at 4:06 AM
Am I sutpid or what??!!?? I can't believe I made it so easy! I Need A Lotta Help!!!
Hope your day out brings you many accomplishments!
Anonymous, at 10:35 AM
uh, I think I spelled STUPID wrong on my last comment! I may not be a good speller but hey - I'm an economist!
Anonymous, at 5:13 PM
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