This has been a learning experience!!
Pennsylvanians love to blow their horns if you are turning anywhere---even if you have warned them with your turn signal....makes NO diff---just want to amke sure the horns still works, I guess!!
There are may ffod items you WILL NOT FIND int he grocery stores (which are few are far between!!)......Thus my need for care packages of food items such as bay leaf, cumin, chorizo, mexican cornbread (shock--I found jalapenos with the nacho stuff) ham seasoning or chunks---just scrapple (??) and smoked ham steaks!! A maid here said her husband is from Mexico and is opening a Mexican Food Market next month --I told my son this would be a good trip for the twenty minute ride!!(BTW, Eva, the maid is from El Salvador).
There is no local news/weather station.....we are an hour north of Philly and that is all you can get....geuss there is no local stories or weather that is newsworthy!!
People are friendly as a whole....some are like they swallowed a pickle!!WHOLE!! Their standards in restaurant cleanliness, etc. do not equl those of fine establishments in Tampa. Will discuss that at a later date!!
Also, Salmon grilled with mashed black beans is NOT appetizing!!
SMOKING is allowed alot of places! The girl at the bowling alley told me noone was allowe to smoke ther (all the while the shoe guy -about 60 years old--was chain smoking) and she acted like I was off my rocker b/c I requested lanes away from the smoke!! She said ther were no ashtrays, so noone would smoke (wonder where his leftovers and ashes went---in the shoes he was in charge of??).....I never realized how wonderful again that anti-smoking law is!! Many smokje, and congregate here at the enrty doors of the establishments!! UGHHHHHHHH!!! I gfeel my nose getting stuffy just thinking about it!!
History is alive and well here....our nation was born here and fought for here!! That is a positive that is thrilling....I will share some of our excursions later!
Thank God for computers that work in the hotle....mine at home is on the fritz, so I will have to fix it when I return!
Until then................
May the Lord fill your cups overflowing!!
Pennsylvanians love to blow their horns if you are turning anywhere---even if you have warned them with your turn signal....makes NO diff---just want to amke sure the horns still works, I guess!!
There are may ffod items you WILL NOT FIND int he grocery stores (which are few are far between!!)......Thus my need for care packages of food items such as bay leaf, cumin, chorizo, mexican cornbread (shock--I found jalapenos with the nacho stuff) ham seasoning or chunks---just scrapple (??) and smoked ham steaks!! A maid here said her husband is from Mexico and is opening a Mexican Food Market next month --I told my son this would be a good trip for the twenty minute ride!!(BTW, Eva, the maid is from El Salvador).
There is no local news/weather station.....we are an hour north of Philly and that is all you can get....geuss there is no local stories or weather that is newsworthy!!
People are friendly as a whole....some are like they swallowed a pickle!!WHOLE!! Their standards in restaurant cleanliness, etc. do not equl those of fine establishments in Tampa. Will discuss that at a later date!!
Also, Salmon grilled with mashed black beans is NOT appetizing!!
SMOKING is allowed alot of places! The girl at the bowling alley told me noone was allowe to smoke ther (all the while the shoe guy -about 60 years old--was chain smoking) and she acted like I was off my rocker b/c I requested lanes away from the smoke!! She said ther were no ashtrays, so noone would smoke (wonder where his leftovers and ashes went---in the shoes he was in charge of??).....I never realized how wonderful again that anti-smoking law is!! Many smokje, and congregate here at the enrty doors of the establishments!! UGHHHHHHHH!!! I gfeel my nose getting stuffy just thinking about it!!
History is alive and well here....our nation was born here and fought for here!! That is a positive that is thrilling....I will share some of our excursions later!
Thank God for computers that work in the hotle....mine at home is on the fritz, so I will have to fix it when I return!
Until then................
May the Lord fill your cups overflowing!!
oh no! Your computer is on the fritz?? I will have to call you later today!
YUCK!Being around smoke makes me stuffy too, can harldy breathe if its anywhere near me.
You mentioned quite a few quirky things in this post. It always puts a new perspective on your life and where you live, when you travel, doesn't it?
Unknown, at 12:10 AM
Hi Mrs. Pat, I know you told me a long time ago what you thought Pocahontas meant. I posted a new thing about her on my blog and yes, you are one of the many winners! Also Her Christian name was Rebecca! Thanks for playing.
Shane Rios, at 1:07 PM
Funny! I enjoyed your insights into the northern culture. Are you back home?
Rita Loca, at 5:32 AM
Hey Friend! It was so great seeing you all at church tonight! Welcome back! and what a sweet card you gave me. It made me smile!
Unknown, at 10:15 PM
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