Being incensed is s part of life these days.....
We learned a man from another churhc was arrested for rape of a minor....(WHAT?????HE WAS A CHRISTIAN AND HAD TWO DAUGHTERS.......twenty counts!! My kids knew his daughters and family!! WHERE IS HIS CONSCIENCE BEFORE A HOLY GOD???) Must my children think that any father of "Christian" teens could do this???Thus, we protect our children even in Christian homes with Chrisitian friends!! Molestation is too common!! (BTW---the aforementioned has a twenty year sentence!)
A local scumbag who ran for office again and lost....now wants to run for county commission!!
Oh, and anyone supporting an "I VOTED" sticker after this last election ws allowed free entry to his girlie clubs!! WHAT????!!!! This is a satanic enticement for men who would never spend money to go there....obviously (Praise the Lord) they didn't all vote for him---he lost AGAIN!!
We did get an email through a homeschooling network expressing concern, though because several Chrisitians stated he had their vote because he had done so much for the community!!
(IN WHOSE EYES---the young girls working for him, or the families destroyed by this sin???)
Should our young men/husbands think if it is free it is ok???? Certainly not the Christians we are associated with through church/fellowship!!
Believing the BIBLE is true, we must truly believe that men are lovers of themselves....thus the "ME" attitude in self fulfillment and negating responsibility to be upstanding citizens as well as fathers and Christian leaders!!
I am sure this is not just a problem indigenous to men....women have the same issues if you see the news... but truth here is if you have enough money, you can get house arrest and then go on with your life!!! (Ever heard "You're too pretty for jail???"....What an absurdity!!
We must be living in the end times......self indulgences are all about us, with no fear of reprisal, and no conscience 1!!
We learned a man from another churhc was arrested for rape of a minor....(WHAT?????HE WAS A CHRISTIAN AND HAD TWO DAUGHTERS.......twenty counts!! My kids knew his daughters and family!! WHERE IS HIS CONSCIENCE BEFORE A HOLY GOD???) Must my children think that any father of "Christian" teens could do this???Thus, we protect our children even in Christian homes with Chrisitian friends!! Molestation is too common!! (BTW---the aforementioned has a twenty year sentence!)
A local scumbag who ran for office again and lost....now wants to run for county commission!!
Oh, and anyone supporting an "I VOTED" sticker after this last election ws allowed free entry to his girlie clubs!! WHAT????!!!! This is a satanic enticement for men who would never spend money to go there....obviously (Praise the Lord) they didn't all vote for him---he lost AGAIN!!
We did get an email through a homeschooling network expressing concern, though because several Chrisitians stated he had their vote because he had done so much for the community!!
(IN WHOSE EYES---the young girls working for him, or the families destroyed by this sin???)
Should our young men/husbands think if it is free it is ok???? Certainly not the Christians we are associated with through church/fellowship!!
Believing the BIBLE is true, we must truly believe that men are lovers of themselves....thus the "ME" attitude in self fulfillment and negating responsibility to be upstanding citizens as well as fathers and Christian leaders!!
I am sure this is not just a problem indigenous to men....women have the same issues if you see the news... but truth here is if you have enough money, you can get house arrest and then go on with your life!!! (Ever heard "You're too pretty for jail???"....What an absurdity!!
We must be living in the end times......self indulgences are all about us, with no fear of reprisal, and no conscience 1!!
Yikes! What a world!
Rita Loca, at 1:24 PM
Yes Josh told me about the incident. So sad. God help us!
Unknown, at 9:55 AM
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