Moments In Time

Friday, January 23, 2009

"What is Faith?"
By Bob Perks
Someone asked me the other day about my faith.
I rambled on for a moment and seemed to have appeased their curiosity.
Still, it made me think about it more when I got home and this is what I wish I had told them instead:

To see more than what is obvious.
To believe more than what is seen.
To trust when all is lost and darknessfills your days.
To try again when failure is your partner
To give when nothing's left to give.
To stand when falling is expected.
To go on when odds are against you.
To plan when others think you foolish.
To smile when heart break dims your spirit.
To rise above the doubters and nay sayers.
To keep on when others fall behind.
To end each day in praise instead of sorrow.
That is faith.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

We arrived home last evening.

It was a busy and hard week in some ways. Some of you know what it is like to become the parent of a parent.

Someone has to do the hard things; expect those tasks difficult. But, you have to maintain a sense of humor and sanity in every day life!

When your child disobeys you, they get corrected. Most do not refuse that which you know is necessary for their health. Parents do --and you must be the one to say, "No, you will do this!".
Often, they are upset with you.

Sometimes you have to leave them in a rush and proper goodbyes do not happen. You must rest in the fact that you are doing what is right at the time and move on from there.

Bust most of all in all situations, you must trust God. Do not be confused, AND PRAY AND PRAY AND PRAY above all. Often you are exhausted or too busy from the dawning of the sun to get your devotions done, but you MUST PRAY , and be faithful!!

Thanks for those prayers you all sent up on our behalf -we felt them and appreciated them!!

God is good!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Trying Times

For those of you who read this.....

Please pray for my Mom. She had a heart attack, has bronchitis, a UTI, conjunctivitivitis, and dehydration....add a fall to that and you have quite the mix for an 81 year old woman!!

She is improving, as she has been in for three days now. It is hard to understand her on the phone unless she has the oxygen connected. She also has breathing treatments!

I would love to be there, but do not know what is going to happen at this time. I have some serious obligations the next day or two to take care of.

Pray for my wisdom and also!

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Year End Reflections

We started the year with a burden for a family member.....that care still remains.

We traveled in snow to see my Mother for her 80th birthday as a surprise...we do not know how many more birthdays she will celebrate!

In March, we worked with the special kids at camp. As usual, we laugh and we cry. We make friends and we have old ones we fellowship with. Camp is always an exciting time!!

The end of March brought a wedding and we helped a friend make this a special day for her daughter....lots of hard work, but we enjoyed it!!

April brought Easter and reflection on the death of our Saviour.

May brought graduation from high school for number four! We also attended a few more parties at this time!

June took us back to visit my relatives and to take the girls to camp. Bittersweet, as it was my first time of not being able to stay at the camp, so I traveled back to the mountains to be with family. When it was over, we visited with an aunt and uncle, our very favorites! Our lives are so enriched by them--not only for fellowship but family stories I never knew.....a touch with the past that fills in blanks!

The majestic mountains make me feel sooo close to God......

June brought a birthday party for our second granddaughter. She is one now!!

We also surprised a friend of #4 and #5 on her birthday and took her to tea (out of town)!

June also brought a surprise anniversary party from our kids. All were there....yes, I cried!! I, who am NEVER surprised, got caught off guard!! Old friends were there, as we reminisced way beyond time for the banquet room to be vacated!!! (Old pictures remind you of that journey of a lifetime!!)

July brought a party for our second granddaughter....and we all had fun holding a carnival in celebration!!

August afforded a vacation for the WHOLE family---all of us to the Keys....amazing reminder of God's hand in creation!!! Our week was filled with fun, laughs, stories.....and memories in the making!!

September brought a second wedding for a friend, and we got to enjoy a historical building as the setting for a dream come true for our friend!!

October brought the reality of the economy not being good and so we had to pray even harder for God's provision after several months of "getting by". It also brought the stark reality that the hearts of men are wicked and what they want, they take. I do not know if I have yet come to the point of forgiveness and praying for them yet. I also do not think my heart has yet been thankful for their unmerited deeds!!

October also brought God's provision to #4 and #5 and also to myself that we could help a little in our survival quest!!

November brought a wedding (first ever paying job) and I learned alot about Christians at this time. Some turn to the ways of the world and become so full of pride that you cannot work with them, and an enjoyable event becomes a burdensome event!! I also learned at this time that more often than not unchurched ones are kinder and much easier than those of like faith!!

November also brought family back for Thanksgiving, and our hearts swelled with thanksgiving at the small things God is doing for us in so many ways!

December brought another wedding for someone we have known since birth! We throughout the month, thought tried to do some Christmas events that would continue to keep our hearts full of the season ---the birth of our Lord the focus---and were able to experience that. The wedding was a the culmination of a storybook romance!!

And now to December you can read in my previous post, God blessed us sooo much that evening ---we had not only fun, food and fellowship, but it ALL was focused around the Word and God so graciously giving us another new year.....

And, I know I did waste time in this past year, not taking every opportunity God gave me to be a witness for him. I oft was, and tried to be sensitive to whatever He led me to do , but I did fail.

Pray with me as I seek Him in all things and even to be thankful in ALL things!!


While attending a Bible Study Fellowship this past week, we were blessed to hear scripture quoted by a young man. He first had said he wanted to pray as the men were to close in prayer, but I guess he got a little timid and could not do it.

He spoke with such clarity --you see , he usually is hard to understand at times because he is a little challenged with his speech.

Joshua 1:9 will always take on a different meaning to our family now, as we will think of Matthew quoting it with such conviction, clarity and memory.

This would not be so impressive in our lives had it not been that he is thirty something and has downs syndrome. He speaks very little to all of us. His Mother taught him scripture when he was young to quiet his heart and fears if he was ever separated from her somewhere and needed comfort. She believes he knows the meaning and is comforted by the verses he learned. He does understand church and God (even if not voicing it or participating) and she says she believes it bypasses his mind and goes directly to the heart!

You see, we as "normal" people use our minds to complicate things of God. Oh to have childlike trust and faith!!

I once heard that spiritual death occurs because of 12 inches. You see, that is the approximate distance between the brain and the heart!!

Blessings in your walk with the Lord this new year. May you find Him in little things as well as the grand things!

Saturday, January 03, 2009

This from a friend's profile:

I'm passionate about sharing the lessons of grace
that God is faithfully and patiently teaching me,
and I'm committed to encouraging others
to love and know God to such a degree
that their satisfaction in Christ won't allow for any cheap substitutes.

Can we find true contentment with who Christ alone is in our lives. Not the worry, cares or making anything or anyone the God of our being???

May this new year find you fully satisfied!!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

God Is

My challenge to you as we did last evening (and will for some time to come).......

God through the book of Psalms.

Find what it says God is, and reflect on how that rings true in your life, or what that purpose is in your life.

We were only able to do a few verses, and what a wealth of insight!!

Blessings as your head knowledge becomes heart knowledge!!